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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sneak Peak! SHHHH!

I am giving everyone a sneak peak not everyone gets to see this yet!! Scentsy JUST posted August's Scent and Warmer of the Month about 2 minutes ago and I can NOT wait! Its the cutest thing ever and I might just keep this warmer for myself! 

The majestic sunflower faces the sun throughout the day, actually turning from east to west as it rises and sets—a true lover of light and warmth. Drink in the sun’s rays with Sol, a bright, hand-painted beauty in the sunniest shade of goldenrod, highlighted by hints of chalky white. Delicate, climbing tendrils accent a giant, embossed sunflower in full bloom, as large vent holes emit pronounced beams of light—homage
to an endless summer sky. Capture the essence of the mighty sunflower with Sol.

The scent is soooo up my alley I could cry with excitement! Mint is one of my favorite all time scents and was so upset that all my late night voting for Made About Mint in Bring Back my Bar had not paid off. I also love lemon and eucalyptus so maybe this scent will be my new go-to scent. 

Breathe deeply as soothing eucalyptus, zesty lemon, and a medley of mints comfort and rejuvenate.

1 comment:

  1. ooooo!!! my sis is a sunflower lover!!! this would be a great gift to give to her!!! i love scentsy!!! lol
